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Published on January 27, 2008 By amunchkin In CursorFX
You know what would be really awesome for CursorFX as an addition to its coolness and features?

Motion blurring of the mouse cursor...

That would be amazing!
The reason I bring this up is because I was playing around with my Flash motion blur project and got to thinking, it would be SO neat to have a mouse cursor that motion blurs when it moves instead of trailing, and whatnot.

It's a cool-looking effect that a lot of people enjoy seeing. It's an added feature to many games these days to where, when you look around, there's motion blur. It makes the motion more realistic, like a fast moving car moves in front of someone.

You get the point.

So, Stardock, consider this idea for a feature if you have time for it before release. ^^
on Jan 28, 2008
Noted and forwarded on to the devs. Thanks!
on Jan 29, 2008
I bought plus and i would very much like this feature added in.
on Jan 29, 2008
Sure! that would be very cool!
on Feb 06, 2008
I like the idea too!
on Feb 07, 2008
CursorXP plus had something like that.
We will indeed implement a sort of cursor motion blur/ghosting in the very next minor version, so stay tuned!
on Feb 07, 2008
For referance sake that was the developer so you must have made an impression.