This skinning site has all of Doc's work here to download.
Battle your artistry!
Published on January 4, 2008 By amunchkin In WinCustomize Talk
For all who don't know, there is a new website out there called! This website allows you to compete with your artwork, your photography, your music-making, your videos, your flash animations, and your writings. You submit your entry into a fight of a specific category, and once the entry peroid is up, voting amonst the users of the site take place. Whoever gets the most votes wins!

Why am I posting this? This website, believe it or not, is REALLY fun! It's like an olympics for art, and it's open to everyone. Another bonus with this website is, it has cash competitions. From $60 to $120, you can win simply for being a good artist of some type. The community there is building fast, with 289 members so far! I do not run this website, nor do I have any affiliation with it, however I am a proud member of this website and would like to promote its purpose for the fun it brings!

Check it out!

(Edit): The money rewarded to the users comes from the webmaster's selling of scripts on eBay, as well as GoogleAds.
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